Rye College

Careers Information & Guidance

Quality in Careers Standard Award 2024

We are delighted to announce that on 15th November 2024 Rye College was awarded The Quality in Careers Standard in recognition of our excellent programme of Careers Education and Guidance. The school has demonstrated commitment to providing outstanding provision for career learning and preparing students for their future. The award accredited by CSW Investor in Careers was graded as ‘fully meeting all the accreditation criteria incorporating the Gatsby Benchmarks’.

 The Quality in Careers Standard is the national quality award for careers education, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG) and is awarded to schools and education providers who can demonstrate the importance they place on careers and how they support students to make decisions about their life after school.






The assessor acknowledged the strong careers provision at Rye College and commended the school for having:

  • Strong Senior Management and Governor support and a whole school approach to CEIAG

  • A very committed and well-organised Careers Leader, who engages well with other members of staff to deliver a comprehensive CEIAG programme, is highly valued by students, teachers, parents/carers and external partners and maintains a high level of her own CPD

  • Excellent documentation for CEIAG, including the provision of very detailed evidence for the Investor in Careers reassessment

  • A very comprehensive careers section on the college website

  • A commitment to evaluation and continuous improvement

The school supports, promotes and endorses quality careers education. We acknowledge the part it plays in the overall success of the school and students. A range of activities are offered to students to introduce them to the world of work and help them make decisions about life after school. This includes, impartial and confidential careers education and guidance, work related learning activities and experiences, a careers programme that promotes equality of opportunity, inclusion and anti-racism, information about all routes and pathways at post 14, post 16 and post 18.


We are happy to have been honoured a fourth time for the career guidance services and activities we offer our students to assist them make educational, training and occupational choices, manage their careers and reach their potential.  You can find out more about Rye College Careers Programme on the links above.


For more information please follow the links below.

Award Certificate 2024

Full Award Congratulations

Assessment Report November 2024

Gatsby Benchmarks