On Wednesday 8th May, 14 year 10 students attended a Mini Medics course at East Sussex College. Students learnt how medical equipment is used and explored the variety of jobs within the NHS. Their interest was quickly drawn to the infrared scanner, clearly showing the workings of valves in their blood.

The ultrasound machine where they could see there own bones and find out if there growth plate had fused and the retina scanner. 

The trip was enjoyed by all and opened many eyes to the skills and qualifications within students reach.

Activities students took part in: Use the ultrasound machine to see inside their body, see inside their eye with an iPhone retina scan, record and print an ECG from their heart, hear their pulse with a Doppler Probe!, try key hole surgery on a training device used by surgeons, use a real needle to take fake blood from a fake arm, experience different eye diseases with the pathology goggles, test hearing and reflexes, take basic medical observation such as blood pressure, oxygen sats and temp, suturing fake skin, recording respiratory rates, measuring size of blood vessels using the ultrasound and look at your capillaries in your finger through our Capillary Microscope.